

Do we believe the truth when we hear it?

Do we really believe the truth when we hear it, even if it is not what we want to hear? That is strategic intelligence at its core: critical thinking, perspectives over and above facts, challenging assumptions, and determining the course of future action. On one occasion, I was presenting to one of the leading business groups in the Netherlands, and at the end, the CEO of a top-25 listed company asked us what kind of differentiating tools we use to determine the possible courses of future actions.

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Politicians and the lack of courage

“Politicians keep throwing money to support weaker nations’ debt problems, they never talk about restoring growth”The above statement comes from Roger Bootle in Fortune Magazine, dated 8th October, 2012. Why should we listen to him, you may ask, as we read so much from so many economists, daily, about the problems across Europe? For two main reasons: Roger Bootle predicted the downturn of the 2002 dotcom bubble back in 1999, and the worldwide financial crash in 2007 back in 2003!

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