
All Intelligence Briefings that have been published by Rodenberg Tillman & Associates can be found here.

How Cycles Intelligence Can Transform Your Organization’s Strategy

Since the 1980s-1990s we have seen not that many new tools & techniques within the area of strategy and competitive intelligence. Research of SCIP during the last couple of decades confirms this. We still speak of Porter’s Five Forces, Where-to-Play & How-to-Win, Strategic Sweet Spot Analysis, Strategy under Uncertainty, Porter’s Four Corners Analysis, Extrapolation, Key Success Factor Analysis, Scenario Planning & Analysis and SWOTI. Most managers, professionals and leaders are familiar with these tools and techniques.In this article I argue for a totally new way of looking at strategic planning & competitive intelligence. And how I was able to implement this at our company.

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In-depth look into Predictive Foresights & Case examples

The advances in technology, the upcoming of A.I. learning, the understanding of our environment are all progressing logarithmic, including the way we do business today. Understanding how we are all connected in this world and how we are influenced accordingly is crucial. Using new methods and techniques will help you to stay ahead. In this Special Intelligence Briefing I like to take the opportunity to give you in-depth background on “Predictive Foresights” and show recent case examples. Did you know that the academic research on our “Predictive Foresights” services goes back more than 80 years?

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Free Floating Strategy is the management of fear

The upcoming week European citizens have the opportunity to elect the next ‘bunch of nonos’ in the European Parliament. Around 750 heavely overpaid politicians. Ask yourself what the Europeans got from them in exchange. Are you able to list 10 examples of their achievements? From our strategic intelligence perspectives we foresee crucial economic issues Europe is facing. We call them ‘The Gray Rhinos’. Gray Rhinos are threats already at the horizon, however, we don’t want to see them.

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Gold cycles, correlations & a grand design for bitcoin?

On the 22nd of May 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz made the first real-world transaction using Bitcoin paying for two pizzas in Jacksonville, Florida, United States. His bill at the time; 10,000 BTC. In current day value of Bitcoin this would have cost him nearly $54,762,500.- (as of the 24th of April 2019). A healthier option might have been, to make himself a sandwich.

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Top management is not prepared for the challenges in the business environment

Two/third of top management lacks the competency to manage successfully their companies through the ever changing external business environment. In additon they are not able to inspire and motivate their staff and employees. Over 80% of investors and analysts tell that leadership and vision are “leading” for their future investment strategies. Investors see leadership and vision as far more important than the financial performance during the past three years.

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