
All Intelligence Briefings that have been published by Rodenberg Tillman & Associates can be found here.

Strategic crises occur long before management sees them

The result is the rapidly-increasing pressure on earnings which results in cost-cutting and laying-off people. We read stories like this daily in the media, where top management explains that market conditions have changed, that customer behavior has changed, that new competitors with new business models have entered the market, or that a new technology was accepted much faster than initially thought. Who can we blame for this?

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The four barriers to interactions

Most localities have a few individuals who know many people across social and professional boundaries and facilitate networking amongst them. These people are called ‘connectors’.“It is amazing to see how the strategic intelligence solution of MI7 discovers and visualizes these new connectors in and beyond your sectors of industry and across the globe”

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Politicians and the lack of courage

“Politicians keep throwing money to support weaker nations’ debt problems, they never talk about restoring growth”The above statement comes from Roger Bootle in Fortune Magazine, dated 8th October, 2012. Why should we listen to him, you may ask, as we read so much from so many economists, daily, about the problems across Europe? For two main reasons: Roger Bootle predicted the downturn of the 2002 dotcom bubble back in 1999, and the worldwide financial crash in 2007 back in 2003!

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Right-to-Play, Right-to-Compete or Right-to-Win Capabilities

“Assess opponents’ conditions, observe what they do, and you can find out their plans and measures”, Meng ShiThe above statement is straightforward and the marketers in your organizations should have the answers! Customers can make a purchase anytime, anywhere. Marketing is asked to do more to drive growth, with the same or fewer resources, while their spending is increasingly subjected to a new level of scrutiny.

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